N e v e r forget
the days I've spent with you.
Continue to be my friend,
as you will
find me yours.
- Ludwig Van Beethoven
I I I ff 1 1 1 ■■
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4 : The Semors
20: Studios
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ssagefrônq the Dean
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K eam p ro im ^ vvh at atfEastman education
means: the high|stjstartbac^s of pèrformance
creativity ^ chola^shi^and téa^htngjnfusbd
with the fr^fcenergy of innovation /O lir
students g t» iate , to become tfuly
outstandin Spaders, artist-citizb|s»f the
highest le v iJB fe at Eastman alsc|S|lds
artistic a n d |(^ o n |l bonds that;i|sftc>ng into
the future. You areali members cf It e r y
unique, closely knitiEastman fam ijyj|
In thieJfend it is you, fu r students that make
our work at Eastman so inspiring.
iglal Lowry
ani|Martin M
m al School
C la ss of 2013
S u (*rfìn e. SuP
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S e n io r Portraits
hat lies behind us
and what lies before us
are small matters compared to
i A / h r t
t lies
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Evie Chen
Martha Chudy
Weijun Chen
Nicholas Conn
Stacey Chou
Thomas Doser
Thomas Dougherty
Siddharth Dubey
Ryan Faulkner
Nadia Fayad
Peter Ferry
Tommy Fields
Michael Fuller
Molly Goldman
Lucas Goodman
Christen Greer
Johanna Gruskin
Weston Jennings
Lauren Haley
Kelsey Hayes
Emma Henry
Wei-Wei Hsu
Da Sol Jeong
Kimberly Jeong
Alice Kahng
Natalie Kane-Bartolozzi
Samantha Kimber
Alec Kissinger
Thaya Kongpakpaisarn
Matthew Krol
Hyeok Kwon
Che Ho Lam
Evelyn Lam
Erie Lee
Timothy Lee
Jiwon Lim
Elizabeth Loftus
Amy Luegering
Adam Maalouf
Brandon Martell
Benjamin Matus
Robert McManmon
Tyler Menzel
Samantha Moraes
Matthew Norman
Garrett Obrycki
Casey O'Neil
Molly O'Roark
Tom Petrino
Riesa Petruzzi
W&.t. •
Andrew Pramuk
.................... -***■ —■■WÄWwissww »
Clarissa Prohaska
IB Ü ;
Samuel Pierce-Ruhland
Dylan Price
Sarah Rogers
Rebekah Priestly
John Ross
Russell Rybicki
Kenji Sugano-Sasaki
Amy Skjerseth
Jiao Sun
Kelly Suthers
Nicholas Tariello
Mark Viavattine
Renée Vogen
Sterling Tyler
Not Pictured:
David Aguila, Tomasz Arnold, Jackson Arthur, Marissa BalononRosen, Sophia Burgos, Miles Cole, Gabe Condon, Alistair
Duncan, Elizabeth Ehrlich, Sophia Feddersen, Kevin Fitzgerald,
Jake Hanegan, Nick Hrynyk, Gary Jones, Jeff Krol, Marcus
Macauley, Michael Mah, Varsha Nair, Eunji Park, Minji Park,
Sarah Phillips, Tristan Savella, Jack Sengelaub, Audrey Snyder,
Joshua Suslak, Kevin Tompkins, Oliver Wolcott
Sean Xue
"Vision is an acute sense of the possible.
It is the ability to see what others do not yet see.
And when people with vision get togetherfi
something extraordinary occurs."
Class of 2 0 13
Sam's Degree Recital
Saturday, April 27. 2013
\ li:30am
\ Hatch Recital Hall
|UK t ÂG/WOI.F g a n g r i h m
I c O L I N
M c C A L l l
•S U N D A Y
Molly Ö Roark, H i
Senior Violin Degree Recital
from the studio of Charles Castleman
in collaboration with pianist Christopher Re
Works by Hindson, Hubay, Bach and Piane
Saturday, November 3
Batch Redial Hall
TiomtheSudo d lionHarris
Iowe. Prokofiev, lebem.
Bartok, and Chopin
¿lau. T/óvctnérr 17™, <
ÿïatcft MeeitafHaff j
W i t h pia nists j F
E s t h e r C h a n g Sc J,
S iuY anL uk
f e M K ig ' , j g h fl
7 p m Friday, N o v , ] 6
’ Diateli ■ReciUïCnaiX
featuring ^ferJvtenzeCffute
‘k ’iniïichn:
..I think I shall!
I / violin
; Degree Recital, from the studio o f Ayano Ninomiya
:■ Saturday February 2nd, 2013 <05, Kilboum Hall,
Works by Stravinsky. Dougherty, Zohn-Muldoon. and Brahms
Degree Recital
Pianist, Irina Lupines
Hatch Recital Hall at 7pm
Friday, December 14th, 2012
Sun Min Kira
iSSönKflssti lösoscnfiaß’SJ®1®Ssæ® gxm
Senior Memories
B efore I got here as a Freshmen, I was warned by everyone I
knew that I, a Floridian, was in for a terrible winter experience.
That promise never really panned out too well, but Freshmen
year, we did have one enormous snow. It was in December, and
one night, word spread throughout the dorms that the RA staff
wanted to put on an epic snowball fight in the courtyard. None
of the younger students will have ever seen something like this
in the courtyard, but there were legitimate snow drifts along the
sides that we used as forts. We were out there for a couple of
hours. It was just a fantastic time, and one of my absolute
favorite Eastman memories.
-Lucas Goodman
I will never forget freshman year in 2D, Ben
Matus, Anna Lenti (our RA), Will Berman,
Andrew Pramuk, Emily Jensen, Kathy
Crabtree, Tommy Doughtery, Ryan Faulkner
and I would sit around in the lounge all the
time having tea parties and playing birthday
kitten. We were an Eastman Family and 2D
was our living room. It was the best first year
anywhere I could ever have. Thanks for all
the memories, guys! xoxo
-Haley Moore
I had been a student of Mr. Zeitlin for the past 6 years. The last
time I saw him was right after my jury. He came over to me and
said, "You played very well. I would hug you, but I'm not feeling
well." He shook my hand, and then hugged me anyway. I miss him
so much. He truly did care about his students, even while he was \
in the hospital, he was worrying about us... And our lessons. In my Freshman Oboe Class trip to Wegmans with
Mr.Killmer and a local lobster.
last lesson before my jury, he said to me, "You know my motto: j
-Amy Skjerseth
'Hate me now, love me later.1Chuckle, chuckle, grin." I said to
him, "Well, I love you now too!" He said, "I know, I love you too." i
ZZ had the greatest sense of humor! He loved telling all kinds of C ^ne of my favorite memories was the first |
jokes. A few of his favorite composer jokes were as follows:
snowfall during freshman year. Brandon
"Which composer went to all of the premier concerts? -DEBUssy;
Martell and I built the first snowman of the I
Which composer was always going off and coming back again? year in the middle of the courtyard at 3
Offenbach... I will never forget his laugh! The way he would
o'clock in the morning. It was a fairly large 2
chuckle when he said something really clever, or the way
snowman, but we managed to put a party |
sometimes we'd both be in stitches, when he cracked a joke that
hat from a birthday party earlier in the
was so funny on so many different levels, that the more you
evening on top of its head!
thought about it, the more you laughed!!!!
-Stacey Chou
-Christy Greer
M y favorite memory of being at 1
Eastman will always be playing
Squeaky Fromme in "Assassins" (Fallfi
2011). Wearing the long red wig,
firing blanks at a bucket of KFC, and
smoking a fake joint all while
performing Sondheim was a once in g
a lifetime opportunity. The
production itself was incredible to |
be a part of and I feel so lucky to f
have had the experience.
-Kelsey Hayes r
M y favorite Eastman memory is all I
of the incredible percussion
ensemble concerts that took place atl
school. From my first concert in |
Kilbourn Hall to the Percussion
Rochester festival last year, I have
seen and performed in many once in
a lifetime concerts, and gotten to
work with some amazing musicians. I
have learned so much from my
fellow percussionists, and I sincerely
hope for the chance to work with
them again in the future.
-Nick Tariello
One of my favorite memories was
the freshman Main Hall decorating.
This was such a fun event and this
photo is of the last crew of
decorators to leave from around
3:00am that night.
-Molly O'Roark
I would have to say that my
favorite part of Eastman is definitely
the people and this incredible
community. So I think my senior
recital was a beautiful combination
I of everything that I love because I
M y favorite memories from Eastman got to play amazing music with and
are from putting on concerts with
for my closest and dearest friends.
OSSIA. It was such a beautiful thing
It was such an amazing experience
to program concerts and produce
to share that experience with the
every aspect of a performance, all
people who, over the past four
with some of my closest friends at
years, have truly made Eastman
school. These concerts were really
home for me,
special to me, and I won't forget them
-Rebekah Carpio
anytime soon.
-Andrew Pramuk
Intimidation at the Net,
the Eastman Intramural
Volleyball Team!
-Alice Kahng
I remember the Christmas Sing of
2011 being particularly special fori
me. At the end, as is tradition, we
all sang Dona Nobis Pacem
together in canon, and it reminded
of two reasons why I love being at
Eastman: being surrounded by a
community of fine musicians, and J
being surrounded by a community
of loving people."
-Brandon Martell
_ ..
Freshman Oboe Party!
-Jessica Wilkins
Carlos, Doc Marcellus1handmade
Christmas present from the
freshman trombone players.
-Nick Conn
W h ile we are here, our studios become our families.
O ur studio-mates see us in our best moments,
and in our worst.
Whether it is a bad day in studio class,
winning the concerto competition,
playing in a master class,
or after the greatest recital you have ever played,
your studio family was there
to comfort and congratulate you.
Lynn Blakeslee, violin
Ellen Bergeron, Adrian Demian, Gina DiCarlo, Ece
Dolu, Kimberly Durflinger, Alicia Friedrichs,
Bokyung Hwang, Neil Miller, Victor Ronchetti, Koki
Carol Rodland, vio la
Alex Chang, Carrie Davids, Keegan Donlon, Molly
Goldman, Yejin Goo, Sarah Greene, Katie Hagen,
Jonathan Kane, Jebat Kee, Sarah Poe, Stephanie
Price, Christiana Reader, Wendy Richman, Alex
Trygstad, Felix Ungar, Colin Webb, Randy Zhen.
Nelita True, piano
Michelle Ahn, Tianyi Bai, Katie Benson, Alison
Chiang, Jim-Isaac Chua, Sun-Min Kim, Rosa Lee,
Jiaqi Li, Emma Liu, Daniel Pesca, Tristan Savella,
Tarin Supprakorn, Katelan Terrell, Shijun Wang,
Wei-Han Wu, Amy Zhang
Rebecca Penneys, piano
Ariadne Antipa, Tabitha Boxerman, Claudio Espejo,
Mingyi Gao, Shiqi Gu, Kaeul Kim, Minji Kim,
Yuyang Liu, John Marcin, Jeongmin Song, E-Na
Song, Jiao Sun, David Han Xiang Xu, José Pedro
Zenteno, Tong Zhang
Chien-Kwan Lin & Ray Ricker,
David Detweiler, Chris Doser, Matthew Evans,
Dannel Espinoza, Nick Exler, Jim Flowers, Diane
Hunger, Ainsley Kilgo, Hyung-Ryoul Kim, Anne
Kunkle, Arthur Liang, Keenan McKoy, Jonathan
Parker, Rachel Perry, Philip Pierick, Dan Stenziano,
M arta Tiesenga, M ark Viavattine, Katie Weintraub,
Tyler Wiessner, Johnathan Wintringham, Sean Xue,
Jiaqi Zhao
Ken Grant & Jon Manasse, clarinet
Mai Abe, Rebekah Carpio, Jiyeon Choi, Joseph
Clark, Martha Chudy, Kelsi Doolittle, Luke Eckhoff,
Carl Galland, Dan Giacobbe, Dominic Giardino,
Jacqueline Gillette, Madison Greenstone, Emma
Hsieh, Sam Lesnick, Tiffany Valvo Lopez, Michael
Mah, Varsha Nair, Emily O ’Shea, Corinne Ong,
Zacks Shen, Rebecca Tobin, Michael Tumiel, Helen
Verchota, Wai Ki Wun
—I -----I------------------*
Richard Killmer, oboe
Cailey Brazee, Lydia Consilvio, Danny Cruz, Carly
Gordon, Zac Hammond, Katie H art, Jillian Honn,
Noah Kay, June Kim, Amy Luegering, Lisa Nickels,
Linnea Rowley, Alexandra Shatalov, Amy Skjerseth,
Jessica Wilkins, Grace Woodworth, Audrey Yu
Robert Swensen, voice
Mary Baron, EE Chua, Siddharth Dubey, Sophia
Feddersen, David Gleichman, Sam Grosby, Matthew
Hancock, Hannah Harrow, Emma Henry, John
Leighton, Liz Loftus, David McNeeley, Riesa
Petruzzi, John Sengelaub, Sara Sommerer, Jacob
Stebly, Matthew Swensen, Afton Wrzosek
Meilun An, Orlando Diaz, Xue Gong, Jina Jang, Saet
Byeol Kim, Yerym Kwak, Evelyn Lee, Long Ma,
Chuhan Wang, Kevin Wang, Zixiao Wang, Robert
Wells, Carol Xiong, Hilary Yao, Susan Zhang
Jan O palach, voice
Ryan Alexander, Larisa Bainton, Anna Bekker,
Zachary Burgess, Sophia Burgos, Kara Cregin,
Kelsey Hayes, Anica Lee, Daniel Lyng, Andrea
McGaugh, Whitney Morrison, Celeste Pellegrino,
Margaret Pierce, Joseph Santantasio, Jackson
Barry Snyder, piano
Ricardo Acosta, Joong Hun Cho, Dong-Wan Ha, Gee
Hyung Ha, Joseph Irrera, Thaya Kongpakpaisarn,
Joong Han Jung, Jialong Li, Forrest Moody, Mintra
Rungruengsorakarn, Kang Ho Song, Chenyu Wang,
Wanyi Wang, Edith Widyani, Zi Yi Yang, Daiying
Steven Doane, cello
Chan Song An, Laura Andrade, Ben Baker, Philip
Borter, Calvin Chan, Henry Chen, Sam DeCaprio,
Tommy Fields, Ben Fried, Jake Hanegan, Kimberly
Jeong, Paul Moskalew, Sam Pierce-Ruhland, Allison
Rich, Nadine Sherman, Arnie Tanimoto, Beiliang Zhu
Timothy Burns, Wenny Chandra, Fan Chang, Xin
Chang, Kristin Ditlow, Beth Fischer, Kurt Galvan,
Heather Goldman, Mary Holzhauer, Ting Hong, Yiwen Lai, Irina Lupines, Minji Nam, Christopher
Reed, Alexander Wong, Joseph Yungen
Charles Castleman, violin
Lauren Cauley, Yae Ri Choi, Yip Wai Chow, Grace
Crosby, Lauren Densinger, Molly Germer, Kyung Ah
Jung, Che Ho Lam, Alex Lee, Tim Lee, Gigi
Monachino, Tommy Nakashima, Lili Sarayrah, Kevin
Tompkins, Moriah Wilhelm, Christina Yee
Natalya Antonova, piano
David Belkovski, Nick Hrynyk, Wei-Wei Hsu, SeHee Jin, Maryam Kheirbek, Angela Kim, Min Hwan
Kim, Olga Krayterman, Evelyn Lam, Jiwon Lim,
Cahill Smith, Hye-Bin Song, Bohan Sung, Cameron
Wilkins, Chuyue Zhang
Carol Webber, voice
Nicole Beauregard, Ben Curtis, Emily Helenbrook,
M att Moisey, Laura Osgood, Andrew Pramuk,
Kelsey Robertson, Gabriel Sin, Marc Webster, Mary
Whitaker, Kendra Wieneke
Peter Kurau, horn
William Bard, Lauren Becker, Abby Black, Daniel
Brottman, Emily Browne, Emily Buehler, Corbin
Castro, Kayleigh Cook, Emily Duffy, Bevin
Flemming, Erin Futterer, Stephanie Hollander, Thea
Humphries, Claude Lumley, Chelsea Nelson, Lucy
Olson, Russell Rybicki, Jacqueline Schober, Grace
Shafer, Caitlin Smith, Kelly Suthers, Hannah
Swayze, Renée Vogen, Emily Wozniak
Robert Mclver, voice
Rachel Beninghof, Michael Davis, Matthew Didonna,
Joel Dyson, Stephan Hernandez, Nicholas Kilkenny,
Joanna Kim, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Lee, Abby
Middleton, Kara Mulder, Garrett Obrycki, Tom
Petrino, Jarrett Porter, Rachael Sanguinetti, Yunji
Shim, David Tayloe, Melissa Zgouridi
Mikhail Kopelman, violin
Martina Alonso, Evie Chen, Yuxuan Chen, Eric
Cheng, Hyeri Choi, Christine Chon, Yiu Ting Chik,
Steven DeNiro, Brian Lee, Cecilia Lee, Marlyse
Martinez, Sarah Ohms, Vilma Perkiömäki, Maria
Raczka, Hirono Sugimito
John Marcellus, trombone
Josh Becker, Aden Brooks, M att Carlin, Nick Conn,
Jackie Dreher, Leland Evans, Gary Jones, Alexa
Kuberra, Jeannie Little, Tait Madsen, Doug Meng,
M att Norman, Will Paceley, Paul Radke, Grant
Reed, Austin Richardson, Curtis Swike
Alan Harris, cello
Jiyoon Ahn, Miles Cole, Glenna Curren, Hilary Glen,
Dong Yeol Hong, Do Yeon Kim, Ji Eun Kim, Eleanor
Lee, Erie Lee, John Peterson, Pedro Sanchez, Ji In
Shin, Audrey Snyder, Kenji Sugano
Evan Basta, Matthew Cox, Carolina Diaz, Kelsey
Farr, Willie Ford-Smith, Lucas Goodman, Christy
Greer, Kirstin Hoops, Natalie Kane-Bartolozzi,
Bridget Kinneary, Andrew Maskiell, Reagan
McNameeking, Ben Pochily, Clarissa Prohaska, John
Ross, Andrew Snow, Michael Staffeldt, Sterling Tyler
Heather Anderson, Yiqui Chen, Hyeok Kwon, P hilip
Lee, Nathaniel Ortega, Zachary Preucil, Jonah
David Liptak, Robert D. Morris, Carl™
Sanchez-Gutierrez, Allan Schindler
Ricardo Zohn Muldoon, compositio
Ricardo Acosta, Tomek Arnold, Jennifer Bellor,
Daniel Brottman, Christopher Chandler, Weijun
Chen, Stylianos Dimou, Tommy Dougherty, Eli
Greenhoe, Evan Henry, Justin Jaramillo, Jonathan
Kane, Jung Kang, Soojin Kim, Alex Leon, John
Liberatore, Jesse Lozano, Marcus Macauley, Andrew
Maskiell, Lena Nietfleld, Theocharis Papatrechas,
Daniel Pesca, Gilad Rabinovitch, Travis Reynolds,
Steven Rice, Ben Scheer, George Stang, Jason Thorpe
Buchanan, Chris Urquiaga
Federico Agostini, violin
Iain Crampton, John Irrera, Leah Kettelkamp,
Jiyoung Kim, Yun Jung Lee, Haley Moore, Michael
Page, Min Jung Park, Jae Yeon Park, Shannon
Reilly, Daniel Salinas, Ben Scheer, Ran Seo, Ji Eun
Shin, Ellen Sonnenberg, Alex Tatarinov, King Sum
Vincent Lenti, piano
Ran Bi, Sarah Brown, Stacey Chou, Cristina Dinella,
Judy Du, Nick German, Justin Jaramillo, Soo Jin
Kim, Sarah Koniski, Jesse Lozano, Marcus
Macauley, Sarah Ohms, Will Rich, Dan Su, Isabelle
Weir, Chia Ni Wu, Zhenzhi Xia, Ruxin Zhao
Katherine Ciesinski, voice
Sarah Ashcroft, Emilyn Badgley, Anthony Baron,
Trevor Cook, Andrew Gilchrist, Rose Hegele, J i Hye
Kim, Katie Koester, Megan McFadden, Kimberly
Merrill, Beth Noble, Laura Sanders, Amy Savino,
Katie Tepper
James Van Dem ark, bass
George Arnold, Arjun Baxter, Tanya
Chanphanitpornkit, Ethan Chiampas, Wan-Ling
Chuang, Josh Depoint, Michael Franz, Michael
Fuller, Audrey Girton, Peter Griesinger, Kieran
Hanlon, Aaron Hook, Stephen Jones, Christopher
Macavoy, Andrew O ’Connor, James Sullivan, Hiroki
Tony Caram ia, piano
Marissa Balonon-Rosen, Weijun Chen, Eli Greenhoe,
Evan Henry, Alex Leon, Bradley McMurray, Braden
Maxwell, Dylan Price, Travis Reynolds, Patrick
Towey, Chris Urquiaga, Brian White
Jonathan Hunt, bassoon
Abi Arnold, Melissa Birkhold, Julie Clement, Joseph
Corbino, Quinn Delaney, Tom Doser, Michael
Elderkin, Samuel Fraser, Micah Gharavi, Matthew
Gregoire, Joseph Grube, Kelly Kasle, Clayton
Kullander, Ben Matus, Ivy Ringel, Jessica Woolridge,
Dongcheng Xie
James Thompson, trumpet
David Aguila, Jackson Arthur, Alexis Cavazos, Sam
Ferbuyt, Kevin Fitzgerald, Natalie Fuller, Samuel
Huss, Jonathan Kang, Michael Kent, Dovas
Lietuvninkas, George Lord, Robert Marx, Bailey
Paugh, Andrew Psarris, Jacinda Ripley, Charles
Roberts, James Shelton, Ellen Shinogle, Matthew
Swihart, Brian Voelz
O leh Krysa, violin
Elizabeth Ehrlich, Christie Greer, Lauren Haley,
Joshua Huang, Da Sol Jeong, Sooah Jung, Ji-yeon
Lee, Yunji Lee, Shengming Liang, Markiyan
Melnychenko, Seo Hee Min, Regina Park, Crystal
Qi, Mary Russek, Hee Sagong, Wendy Toh, Han Xie
Phillip Ying, viola
Alexandra Cade, Keegan Donlon, Jonathan Kane
Josinaldo Costa Filho, Andre De Moura, Julia Egan,
Ben Fang, Michael Hardy, Warner Iversen, David
Keezing, Michael Klein, Adam Larison, Yi Heng Ken
Luk, M ark Mclaughlin, Rob McManmon, Michael
Mendoza, Charles Pfeifer, Orphée Russell, Kahlil
Sarikey, Adler Scheidt, Sungmin Shin, Austin Wahl
Kathleen Bride, harp
Christina Brier, Jingyu Cai, Hannah Chute, Kristina
Finch, Jessica H art, Minji Kim, Sarah Kramer, Anna
Lenhert, Kathleen McAuliffe, Rosanna Moore, Molly
O ’Roark, Sophie Rusnock, Kathryn Sloat
Mark Kellogg, trombone and
Ben David Aronson, David Bruestle, Stephen
Cannistraci, Alistair Duncan, Jeffrey Dunn, David
Fraser, Karl Gilbert, Jessica Hawthorne, M att
Kowalski, Brendan Lanighan, Christopher Lindgren,
Brandon Martell, Casey O ’Neil, Jimmy Robbins,
Devin Sloos, William Wortley
Michael Burritt, percussion
Tomek Arnold, Megan Ams, Colleen Bernstein, Nick
Bonaccio, Mark Boseman, Christian Covington, Colin
Deay, Jarryd Elias, Kurt Fedde, Peter Ferry, Ariel
Jackson, Nikki Joshi, M ax Kanowitz, Sean Lowery,
Adam Maalouf, Colin McCall, Carson Moody, Riley
Palmer, Emily Park, Sarah Persichetti, Zach
Sherburn, Nick Tariello, Sam Um, Andrea Venet,
Sidonie Wade, Drew Worden
Kathryn Cowdrick, voice
Lena Anderson, Michaela Anthony, Adelaide
Boedecker, Alexander Brickel, Nadia Fayad, Danika
Felty, Keely Futterer, Rebecca Galick, Nicole Heinen,
Paige Kiefner, Caroline O ’Dwyer, Zorica Pavlovic,
Betsy Pilon, Alyssa Pyle, Matthew Valverde, Katie
Bonita Boyd, flute
Jackie Arrington, Catherine Branch, Perry Emerson,
Evan Fojtik, Johanna Gruskin, Sarah Hildebrand,
Emlyn Johnson, Sho Kato, Tyler Menzel, Ryan
Norville, Eunji Park, Eliza Rodriguez, Charlotte
Roth, Turi Scilipoti, Teri Villalobos, Jennifer Zhou
Alicia Ault, Alexander Cohen, Lulu Cossich, HsinMei Chang, Melissa Fajardo, Rebecca Herlich,
Stephanie Kim, Alec Kissinger, M aria Lacey,
Elizabeth Lang, Ivana Martinic-Jercic, Rebekah
Priestly, Evan Roberts, Paulina Swierczek, Jessica
Edoardo Bellotti, Michel
Bouvard, David Higgs, &
William Porter, organ
John Allegar, Chelsea Barton, Nathan Davy, Russell
Draeger, Adrian Foster, Jacob Fuhrman, Thomas
Gaynor, Lars Gjerde, Naomi Gregory, Margaret
Harper, Samuel Holmberg, Bryan Holten, C James,
Weston Jennings, Cheuk Lam, Isaac Lee, Thatcher
Lyman, Malcolm Matthews, Justin Maxey, Cody
Mead, Amanda Mole, John Morabito, Thomas
Mueller, Derek Remes, Karl Robson, Abigail
Rockwood, Ivan Sarajishvili, Sarah Simko, George
Stang, Joseph Trucano, Michael Unger, Oliver
Wolcott, Kaufman Wright
Juliana Athayde, violin
Hoi Ting Davidson, Eun Jee Kim, Sarah Rogers
Tommy Dougherty, Carmen Johnson Pajaro, Sam
Moraes, Sarah Ng
Jazz Department
-William Arthur Ward
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'avid Temperie;
Jurgen Th;
Robert Wason
Janet Ying
Dariüsz Terefenko
’imothy Tomczak
Holly Watkins
Philip Ying
Christel Thielmann
Susan Uselm;
Carol Webber
James Thompson
es Van Demark
Rich Thompsoi
Neil Varón
William Weinert
David Ying
Ricardo ZohmMuldoon
Nelita True
Not pictured: Jennifer Burch, Alison D'Amato, Bruce Frank, Beryl Garver, Edward
Goldman, Mary Greitzer, Anne Harrow, Kim Kowalke, Pamela Kurau, Wade
Richards, I Nyoman Suadin, Tatiana Tchekina, Glenn W est
William Marvin
Maestro Neil Varón Leading t
Eastman School Symphony
O rchestra
Dr. Scatterday conducting the
Eastman Wind Ensemble ill
Kodak Hall.
Eastman's Wind O rchestra
warming up before a ^
oeri— ■ance.^rtiM
W ind Ensemble onstage
performs at
the Prismatic Debussy
festival with a
... ...
A group of students
from the Jazz and
Contemporary Media
celebrate Mardi Gras
by playing up and
down East Avenue, at
local bars, and at the
Channel 10
Eastman's Jazz
Ensemble onstage in
Um bria, Italy
Trombonist and"
Eastman Alumnusj
Bill Reichenbachl
returns for p
i | Eastman
■W eekend.
9 M k o lK i'v
Current and form er Eastman
students at the tribute to the
late Grammy-Winning artist,
Rayburn Wright.
1I1H 1Ï1H
i ] f
Each year, the Opera department
puts on three productions. This
fall, they presented a more
modern envisionment of Benjamin
Britten's The Rape of Lucretia.
The Opera, which is set during
Rome's Etruscan period, features a
male and female chorus, each
representing a single character. In
Eastman's production, the two
choruses are living in the
Hamptons during the 2 1st century.
Lucretia's story, which is read by
the female chorus, is still set
during the 5th century, which
allowed the audience to draw
connections between Rome and
modern Am erica.
■ II
te, at
t the
This spring, the Eastman Opera
department put on George
Friedrich Handel's Orlando, and
Kurt Weill's Street Scenes.
? 1
of Weill’s
Gamelan at Eastman, as in BaH, is a communal effort.
O ur members include Eastman students» faculty, and
staff, as well as many members of the Rochester
community. Learned through the aural tradition
without notation, the music requires players to work
together for long periods of time to learn the music
and how to play it. Each gamelan cultivates its own
style and expressive nuance within the rich tradition
of the music. The result is a sense of group unity and
pride as the audience hears the music and witnesses
the collective efforts of the group.
^Sàm elan Lila Muni
performs with dancer
Latifa Alsegaf.
Latifah Alsegaf g^g
putting the
finishing touches |
on her costume H j
for "Panji
iastman's Mbira Ensemble at work I
The Mbira, an instrument native
to the Shona culture in
Zimbabwe, is a wooden board
with metal keys attached to it. It
is a central part of the Shona
people's spiritual life.
Catherine Filene Shouse Arts
Leadership Program
2012-2013 was an exciting year for the ALP
program. 20 students were admitted into
the ALP Certificate Program this Fall.
During Eastman Weekend, ALP celebrated
their 15th Year Anniversary and featured
many events such as: the Anniversary Bash
in the Wolk Atrium, a tabletalk with Fifth
House Ensemble about Putting your
Audience Center Stage>and a tabletalk
panel discussion with Scott Provancher,
Benjamin Maas,Rachel Roberts, and
Melissa Snoza about Paths and Choices in
your Career in Music.
Current ALP students helped
to recruit prospective ALP
candidates while dining on
Sushi in Sprouli Atrium.
1. Julie Figueras and Weijun Chen during his summer
internship with WXXI. 2. Katherine Hagen and Alexander Pena
during their summer internships with the International Viola
Congress. 3. Juniors Mary Baron, Tara Fayazi, and Alexa
Tarantino at the Annual ALP Halloween Party. 4. Brad Lubman
and Carson Moody at the Ensemble Signal Workshop.
R e sid e n t Advisors
Head RA, Nina Elhassan
and Assistant Head RA,
Rebekah Carpio with
Linda Muise
RA's: Mary Baron, Rachel
Benininghof, Rebekah
Carpio, Calvin
Chan,Weijun Chen, Ethan
Chiampas, Nina Elhassan,
Alina Jeon, Max Kanowitz,
Alexa Tarantino, Grace j
Woodworth, Melissa
Chinese New Year
Dinner Celebration
rientation W eek
1. Students on George Eastman Day of Service
2. A t the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge
for George Eastman Day of Service. 3.A t
Rochester Association for the Performing A rts
4. Cleaning out a science classroom at a local
school 5. & 6. Cleaning out and organizing
bookshelves at a local school
2 0 12 Eastm an Orientation
Com m ittee
Ainsley Kilgo, Andrea McGaugh, Andrew Psarris, Beth Noble, Bridget Kinneary,
Carly Gordon, CarolinaDiaz, Danika Felty, Ellen Bergeron, Emilyn Badgley, Evan
Roberts, Heather Anderson, Jacinda Ripley, Jarrett Logan Porter, Jarryd Elias,
Joseph Corbino, KateTepper, Linnea Rowley, Lisa Nickels, Mai Abe, Micah
Gharavi, Nick German, Sarah Hildebrand. Shoghi Hayes, Sophie Rusnock, Tait
Madsen, Tanatchaya Chanphanitpornkit, Tommy Nakashima
ain Hall Decorating and
Holiday Sing
Taking pictures is
savoring life
intensely, every
j hundredth of a
-Marc Riboud
Wiessage from the
Senior Class Council
You may find yourself asking, "Why does Eastman bother with a yearbook?" Four years
pass very quickly. Ask any senior, and they will attest to that. It often isn't until you reach
the end of your time that you look back and realize how much has happened, and how
much of that you may have forgotten or missed. This yearbook documents those
moments from the time in your life that you spent at Eastman. More importantly, it is a
scrapbook that preserves the memory of faces and events in a way that won't fade as we
get older. We hope that one day in the future, while cleaning out your attic or an old
bookshelf, you may stumble upon this yearbook and turn the pages and remember
something that you had forgotten. Maybe it's how nervous you were before you
performed in studio class for the first time, or how much fun you had while decorating the
Main Hall for the holidays as a freshman. Perhaps it was the late nights spent laughing with
friends, or the thunderous applause after a particularly satisfying orchestra concert in
Kodak Hall.
So read this book now, and then put it away somewhere where you will occasionally find it
and sift through the pages once more. Remember the faces inside because you won't
realize until you are long finished at Eastman just how important these people were to you
as you grew as a musician and person during your time on Gibbs Street.
Lots of Love from,
Stacey Chou, Nick Conn, Nick
Tariello, and Lucas Goodman
The Senior Class Council, 2 0 12-2013
Acknowledge itients
The Yearbook Team :
Stacey Chou, Nicholas Confi,
Nicholas Tariello, Lucas Goodman and Molly O 'Roark J
Yearbook Advisors: Am anda
Miiskin Trevino apd M f lissia
Schm idt
StU Jio Portrait Photographers.
The Yearbook Team J j
Sophfe Rusnock, Mary Baron, Bridget Kinne&ry,|Hani|ah f
Chute, Rebekah Carpio, A lly Schuler, Abi A rnold
Additional Photos:
Nadine Sherm an, Nicholas Germ an,
Th e Yearbook Team , Austin W ahl, Russell Rybicki, Am y
Skjerseth, Bridget Kinneary, Sam Pierce-Ruhland, C hristen
G reer, Sam M oraes, Kelly Suthers, Riesa Petruzzi, Tristan
Savella, Caroline Reyes, Am y Luegering, Lauren Haley, Kelsi
D oolittle, Allyson Schuler, Jacinda Ripley, Sho Kato^Michael
Mah, Evelyn Lam , Stacey Chou, Johapna Gruskin, Nina
Elhassan, Melissa Zgouridi, Haley Moore, Rebekah Carpio,
K a le Tepper, A lice Kahng, Dylan Price, Thaya Kongpakpaisarn,
Katie Hagen, Leslie Scatterday, Gabriel Sin, Cailey Brazee,
Katie W eber, John Leighton, Kelsi Doolittle, Nadia Fayad
Don't cry because its over, smile because it fmppened."
-Doctor Seuss