The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

WATERLOO COURIER WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1992 C5 950 950 950 950 950 950 Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice INDEX Announcements Mary Taylor, Instructor fee 400.00 Norwest Bank Iowa N.A., employers snare 5.80 Cedar Falls Post Office, poelage 150.00 Amoco Oil gasoline 33.09 Jo Capooolonl, travel expense 56.92 Geoworks Fulfillment Cenler, upgrade 55.96 Hotel Savery, lodging 682.53 Michelle Hyde, travel expense 135.07 la Coaches, chartered bus 300.00 Phyllis Verploeg, travel expense 64.00 Cedar Falls Posl Olfice, stamp 29.00 Valley Park El. School, petty cash 8.93 Cedar Falls Utilities. Nov. 46,761.47 NCA Evaluators, M.Andersorvexpenses 10.0 Susan Beasley, travel expense 192.15 NCA Evaluators, C. Carrollmileage 46.20 NCA Evaluators, CorunVmlleage 21.00 Dean Dreyer, travel expense 64.84 NCA Evaluators, M.Fitzgerald B8.20 NCA Evaluators, T.FHzgerald.mlleage 66.70 NCA Evaluators, L.LInesrnileage 23.52 NCA Evaluators, J.Montgomery;mlleage 25.20 Suzanne Myron, travel expense 22.51 NCA Evaluators, M.PollastrlnVmlleage 38.64 Marilyn Shaw, travel expense 107.43 The Cedar Falls Board of Education session on January 3, 992.

The Board heard th, lowing reports: Secretary', Monthly Financial Report 2.) Super-Inlendont Monthly Report 3 Quarterly Transportation Report Director Vande Klett, Hamilton, Relsetter, Scheel and Behne approved the following Items: 1 December 9, 1Q01. mlnulee 2 i Open enrollment requests 3.) Per' RHlollon of SX5 9'eement 6.) Bide for Art Paper an Supplies, Food Items Frozen Food Items; and Equipment 6.) Breakfast Free and Reduced Prloe Policy Statement 7.) Recommendation on prepaid bills 8.) Invoices as present- GENERAL FUND N.C.A. Eualualors, Moellermlleage 6 00 17 Norwest Bank Iowa, N.A., employers share 85,158.73 Orchard Hill Elem School, petty cash 7.05 Miscellaneous, Baelltravel 5922 Dennis Downs, travel 273.75 Dean Dreyer, travel 46.60 Craig Hansel, travel 192.48 Curtis Jensen, travel 40.00 Thomas Logan, fravel 34.99 Raymond Nichols, travel 103.00 Daniel Smith, travel 65.44 983 P'K El' Sch1' PltS' 088,1 IASPA, registration 35.00 Holiday Inn, lodging 39.00 100O-1690 Financial Sarvloae prow? 1700-1900 2000-2850 Real Estate 3000-3830 Mobile Housing Rental Housing 4000-4800 Business Servloee '3900 Briefly Classified Advertising Rates Minimum Charge $6.30 Rates are for Consecutive Days 1 DAY 3 DAYS 5 DAYS 7 DAYS 10DAYS 14DAYS 31m (6.30 112.15 S18 7J $24 15 $31 50 $44 10 ttrm $840 $1620 $25 00 $32.20 $42.00 $56 80 6lriM $1050 $20.25 $3125 $4225 $52.50 $73 50 6lms $12.60 $24.30 $37.50 $46.30 $63.00 $66.20 Outside Courier Circulation Area $27.50 Per Inch, Service Charge for Blind Box In care ot Courier $20.00 'These rales apply It paid within 10 days attar billing date. GENERAL INFORMATION BOX REPLIES Whan replying to a Courier box number send to Courier Classified Advertising, Attention Box P. O.

Box S40. Waterloo, IA 50704. ERROR RESPONSIBILITY If your ad appears today for the first check carefully to see that it is correct In every detail. The Waterloo Courier will not bs responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion, or lor damages or oosts beyond the cost ot the space actually occupied by the error. SUPER MERCHANDISE VALUED IN AD UP TO $1,000 6 DAYS 8 3 LINE MINIMUM AD Add $1 .50 for each only.

PRIVATE PARTIES ONLY. Not tor continuous otters, merchandise In quantity, Classification 6600-Rummage-Garage Sales or 6700 Pets, FREE 6 DAY RENEWAL-Pay for your Super Saver ad within 4 days of the first day ft appears. If you have sold nothing on the last day scheduled, call us and we will renew It tor another 6 days FREE OF CHARGE. SPECIAL RATE: 95c PER LINE FOR 1000 In Memorlam 1020 Death Notice 1050 Thanks 1100 Lost 1300 Greeting Cards 1 150 FOUND ADS ARE FREE $4.75 Minimum Charge DEADLINES Classified Ads aCorrections Cancellations 4:50 P.M. Mon.

thru Thurs. for the following day's paper. 4:50 P. M. Friday for Sunday and Monday Papers MONDAY CANCELLATIONS 8:00 TO 9:00 A.M.

Monday for Monday Paper Dept. Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Stressed-out mom pleads guilty DENVER (AP) A mother who says she swore at a flight attendant because she was stressed-out after a family vacation to Walt Disney World pleaded guilty to simple assault and was Jane Ann Levy of Aurora told U.S. Magistrate Richard Borchers on Tuesday that she lost her temper on the Jan. 1 flight home from Orlando, with her three young children and her husband, who had the flu.

Other passengers aboard the Continental Airlines flight told the FBI that in addition to swearing at attendant Tracy Able, Levy grabbed Able by the arms, twisted her wrists and pushed her into a seat. Levy said she was stressed out from the trip and finally lost her temper because her 20-month-old' daughter was wailing inconsolably, had wet her pants "and there was no way to get to the bathroom." U.S. car owners get price break St. Louis Post-Dispatch The speaker of Japan's House of Representatives had his say on Monday, when he criticized U.S. workers.

On Tuesday, Bill Chartrand responded with his own 2-cents' worth, Literally. For the next two weeks, drivers of American-made vehicles will get a discount of 2 cents a gallon from Chartrand's gas station on Illinois Route 143, just east of Interstate 55 in Madison County. The station is about 24 miles from downtown St. Louis. Chartrand says the money's coming right out of his pocket He figures it will cost him $30 a day.

"I've been wanting to do it for two years, but I was scared of the reaction I would get from foreign-car owners," said Chartrand, who opened the service station 10 years ago. Chartrand says he decided to take the risk because a Japanese politician had put down Americans. Yoshio Sakurauchi, the speaker of Japan's House of Representatives, was quoted as saying the reasons for America's trade deficit are that "U.S. workers won't work hard" and that a third of them are illiterate. Sakurauchi later retracted his statements and said he had been quoted inaccurately.

L.A. schools to dispense condoms LOS ANGELES (AP) The nation's second-largest school district narrowly approved giving condoms to all high school students except those whose parents object in writing. The 4-3 vote by the School Board late Tuesday followed seven hours of heated testimony from parents, religious leaders and activists. The board rejected the idea of dispensing condoms to students in junior high school. Los Angeles joins at least five other U.S.

cities distributing condoms to help curb AIDS: New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Cambridge, and Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Programs are being set up in San Francisco and Philadelphia. In Los Angeles, parents will be sent letters asking if they object to condoms being given to their children. Parents who don't want their children to receive condoms must respond in writing. Failure to respond amounts to consent.

Study cites covered pickup danger CHICAGO (AP) Drivers should be wary of letting children ride in the back of covered pickup trucks, where engine fumes can build to deadly levels, researchers said today. Of 68 children sent to a Seattle hospital for treatment of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning, 20 had been passengers in the back of pickups with hard shells or tarpaulin covers, the researchers said Legal Notice Statutory reference: 633.304 Code ol Iowa, 1989, as amended by 73rd G.A., 1989 Regular Session (Senate File 275) NOTICE OF FORFEITURE OF REAL ESTATE CONTRACT TO: Margarets Dean Sharp Walkins You and each ol you are hereby nolilied: (1) The wrillen eonlract dated October 27, 1986, and executed by Richard P. Taniey and Julie A. Tansey, husband and wife, as Vendors, and Margarete Dean Sharp Walkins, single person, as Vendees, for the sale ol the following described real estate: Lot No. in Block No.

9 In Blower's Addition to the City ot Waterloo, Iowa, except that, part thereof described as lollows: Beginning at the Southeast corner ol said Lot; thence North to the Northeast corner of said Lot; thenoe West along the North line ol said Lot 22 feet; thence Southeaslerly to the point of beginning. has not been complied with in the lolkjwingparticulars; (a) failure) to make monthly installments payments lor twenty (20) months ol $103.00 beginning May 3, 1990, through December 3, 1991. Total: $2,060.00. (2) The contract shall stand forfeited unless the parties in dslault, within 30 days alter the completed service ol this notice, shall perform the terms and conditions in default, and in addition pay the reasonable costs of serving this notioe. (3) The amount of attorney fees claimed by the Vendors pursuant to Section 656.7 ol the Code ol Iowa Is $50.00 (not to exceed Payment of the attorney fees is not required 1o comply with this notice In order to prevent lorfeiture.

Margaret D. Ramsey Vendors (or Successors in Interest) Timothy M. Baldwin Their Attorney lor Stumme Law Otlice 171 E. Main Box 50 Denver, Iowa 50622 The date of the Ihird and last publication of this notice shall be the 22nd day ol January, 1992. Chapter 668, The Code Special Execution 90-589-8 Sheriffs Sale Notice Exhibit "A' State of Iowa, Black Hawk County, ss: Notice is hereby Given, That on the 12th day ot February.

A.D., 1992, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the Sheriff's Ollice, at the Court House, In the City ol Waterloo, Iowa, said County Aloresaid, will be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described Real estate, levied upon and taken by virtue of a Special Execution Issued Irom the Office ot the United Stales District Court for the Southern District ot Iowa, Central Division State ot Iowa, in favor ol Resolution Trust Corporation, as Receiver ol Statesman Federal Savings Bank, and against the said real estate herein described and said mortgage be foreclosed as against the delendants, Gerald Hoi bach, Virginia Holbach, Manpower, Inc. ol Cedar Rapids and Cedar Rapids Bookkeeping Service Corporation, to-wit: all of the right, title and interest of the said Gerald Holbach, Virginia Holbach, American Republic Insurance Company; Manpower, Inc. ol Cedar Rapids; Cedar Rapids Bookkeeping Service Corporation; Brad Parker dba Brad Parker Insurance Agency, and the PRincipal Group tka Bankers Lite Company, delendants, and Resolution Trust Corporation, as Receiver for Statesman Bank for Savings, fsb, Delendant to Crossclaim, in and to the following described real estate, situated In Black Hawk County, Iowa, to-wit: Lot No. Eight (8) in Littlefleld Addition in Black Hawk County, Iowa except the Southwesterly One Hundred Thirty (130) feet In even width thereof and except that part thereof conveyed to the Slate ol Iowa by Warranty Deed recorded in Town Lot Deed 308 Page 375 and Deeds 488 Page 351 ol the records ol Black Hawk County, Iowa, and Lot No. Nine (9) in Littlefleld Addition In Black Hawk County, Iowa except those parts thereof conveyed to the State ot Iowa lor road purposes in Town Lot Deed 304, Paoe 523 and Warranty Deed 487.

Page 555; also except that part thereof conveyed to the City of Waterloo, Iowa lor street purposes in uuit maim ueeo 4b, Page and also except the Southwesterly One Hundred Thirty (130) feet of said lot. or as much thereof as may be neo- essary to satisfy said writ ot execution and all accruing costs. Michael Kublk Sheriff of Black Hawk County, Iowa Dated at the Sherilfs Otlice, Waterloo, Iowa, January 2, 1992. Burns H. Davison III Plaintiff's Attorney 620 Hubbell Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309-3596 515-246-1400 Notice of Probate of Will, of Appointment of Executor and Notice to Creditors In the Iowa District Court lor Black Hawk County In the Estate of Ralph K.

Reed, Deceased Probate No. 46940 To all persons Interested In the Estale of Ralph K. Reed, Deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of December, 1991: You are hereby notified that on the 9th day of January, 1992, the Last Will and Testament of Ralph K. Reed, deceased, bearing date of the 16th day ol July, 1985, and 1st Codicil dated November 13, 1987 and 2nd Codicil dated November 18, 1991 were admitted to probate In the above named Court and that Gary K. Reed was appoinlsd Executor of the estate, any action to set aside said Will must be brought in the District Court ot said County within the later to oocur of tour months from the date ot the aecond publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to the surviving spouse, all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be lorever barred.

Notioe is hereby given that all persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the eslate shall tils them within the Clerk of the above named District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so tiled by the later to occur of four months from the second publication ot this notice or one month from the date ol mailing ol this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim la thereatter forever barred. Dated this 9th day ol January, 1992. Gary K. Reed Executor of Eslate Garrison, Iowa Willed and Rathen Attorney lor the Executor 511 Main Street Dysart, Iowa 5224 Date of second publication 22nd day of January, 1992 (Date to be inserted by publisher). Statutory reference: 633.304 Code of Iowa, 1989.

as amended by 73rd G.A., 1989 Regular Session (Senate File 275) Notice ol Proof ot Will without Administration In the Iowa District Court lor Black Hawk County In the Estate ot Arlan A. Bergstrom, Deceased Probate No. 46937 To all persons Interested In the estate ot Arlan A. Bergstrom, Deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of December, 1891: You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of January, 1992, the Last Will and Testament of Arlan A. Bergstrom, deceased, bearing date ol the 17th day ol April, 1991, was admitted to probate In the above named Court and there will be no present administration ol the estate.

Any action to set aside seid Will must be brought In the District Court ot the County within tne later to occur ot lour months from the date ot the second publication of this notice or one month form the dste ot mailing of this notice to the surviving spousn, all heirs of the dec- PHONE Orchard Hill Elem School, petty cash 9.70 PaxtonPallsrson, cylinder leakage teste, dial Indicator 225.56 Payless Cashways, supplies, repair parts 138.98 Pepper Musk), music 85.35 Pitney Bowes, rental 184.50 Polk's Lock Service, keys 7.50 Poplars Music Store, music 19.78 Population Reference Bureau, data sheets 37.50 Prentice Hall Altyn Baoon, book 28.69 Professional Off. supplies 244.65 Radio Shack Accta. Receivable, cable adaptors 37.08 Raines 4 repairs 642.76 Rasmuason 43 30.00 James Rennlng, used steel 6.24 Max Rottman.Tnc, steel plates 3.20 Rydell Chevrolet, Ino. 18 916.05 Samar Muslo supplies, repairs 1.257.50 Sartorl Hospital physical 2,023.75 Scholastic Magazines, scholastlo scop, textbooks, eupplles 826.25 Scholastic books 29.50 School Bus Sales, 10, 19, 17, 72 354.60 Secretary ol State, notary of public renewal 30.0 Sherwin Williams, supplies 34. 1 5 Simplex Time Recorder malnt.

agreement, clock repair 125.26 Simpson's Business Machine typewriter repair 100.00 Smltty's Tire Appliance, 19, 69 944.06 Social Studies School Services, av aids 42.35 Special Syslems, clock repair 64.00 Stoner's Radiator Service, 16, radiator repair 303.50 Connie Sullivan, supplies 25.34 Superior Welding, supplies 33.20 Suzuki Corporation, mallets 18.90 Swaney Equipment repair parts 8.53 Teacher's Discovery, vhs tapes 104.50 Team Connecting Point, toner cart, phonenet connect 173.20 THS, L.A. time thesaurus 1 50.00 Torney's Ele Motor repairs 548.60 University of Illinois, rental films 65.00 Van Meter Company, repair parts 250.87 Vilin Shop ol M. Schneider, repairs 147.91 Wal Mart supplies 15.92 Ward's Natural Science, supplies 673.07 Waterloo Boiler blower wheel 1,111.68 Waterloo Courier, publish minutes 197.96 Waterloo Truck Sales Service, 9, 24, 26 35.20 Weekly Reader, weekly readers, supplies 1,180.00 John Wiley Sons, book 24 44 Da'rrel Wlllhite. 20 89.25 Wlngert-Jones Music music 133.39 Winterbottom Supply supplies 2.00 Dick William's Ford VW, 69 79.70 Woolverton Printing, supplies 73.00 World Almanac, A-V aids 230.10 The Write Source, books 17.50 Writing Tools Group, supplies 35.45 NCA Evaluators, P.Hoekstramlleage 54.10 FOOD SERVICE FUND Anderson-Erickson, milk 9.360.22 BAR Quality Meats, lood storage 125.04 Congdon Printing tickets, 357.89 Ecolab, supplies 413.80 Foodservice, food oosts 1,940.64 Harkers, food costs 3,305.23 Hawkeye Food Systems supplies 646.97 Hiland, 11.76 Hobart Sales Service, repairs 19.75 Holmes Welding, repairs 60.00 Keck, INc, lood storage 1 ,960.33 Kraft Foodservice, supplies, food costs 1,16323 J.S. Latta Company, accu-scan cards, tables 649.62 Martin Brothers, supplies, repairs, food costs 6,599.12 McKee Foods Corporation, food oosts 363.96 Metz Baking food costs 1,466.21 Midwest Buslnsss Products, supplies 22.68 Napa Auto Parts, supplies 23.63 Nielsen Pest Control, pest oontrol 57.00 Sorenson Food Service, food 1B9.00 Star Refrigeration repairs 672.50 J.L.

Tucker repairs 119.43 Principal Mutual Life flex medical 127.28 REVOLVING FUND: Hotel Savery, lodging 41 .43 Norwest Bank Iowa, N.A., petty cash 8.84 AT i telephone 22.39 US West Communications, telephone 195.51 Miscellaneous, wloo clubmeals 58.07 Area Educ. Agency 7, supplies 326.92 Arrowhead Hardware, supplies 6.38 Barnes Builders, supplies 39.77 Beacon Microcenter, software 132.00 Carver Hardware, supplies 58.34 Curriculum Innovations Group, magazines 390.00 DeePs, groceries 35.41 Demco, supplies 158.01 Estes Industries, supplies 77.48 Weekly Reader, workbooks, supplies 720.25 Fleagle Foods, groceries 14.08 J. S. Latta Company, supplies, computer cart 254.49 Napa Auto Parts, supplies 95.63 Newkirk Sales company, supplies 43.51 Personal Service lamp kits 476.56 Pltsco, acrylic sheets 446.94 Polk's Lock Service, locks 701 .60 Preferred Computing, ae gs ram III 145.00 Sam's Club, magnavox model crl 131 399.99 Scholastic Magazines, magazines 3,690.10 USI, veloblnd 666.48 CLEARING FUND: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. pop 72.84 Minnesota Chemical, supplies 723.33 Susan Helno, material relmb 102.00 Adult Ed.

Refunds, Lohman 12.00 Adult Ed Refunds, E.Folkerts 12.87 Adult Ed Relunds, D. Delagardelle 2.50 Adult Ed Refunds, J. Ott 7.50 Adult Ed Relunds, T. Schmilz 7.50 Adult Ed Relunds, P. Malaise 7.50 Adult Ed.

Refunds, K.Mackev 7.50 Pat Meyer, misc. expense 12.87 Hawkeye Inst, of tuition 1,734.60 Adult Ed. Refunds, B. Stubbebook 50.00 Principal Mutual Life Ins, InsJretirees 3,995.61 Hy vee Food Store, buffet service 90.72 SCHOOLHOUSE FUND Crescent Electrlo Supply, Sr. roller 9.44 Eastern la.

Drywall Supply Sr. highmat roller 17.08 Van Meter Company, Sr. highmat roller 169.06 PPEL FUND: Benton's Sand Gravel, roadstons 33.92 Benton's Ready Mixed concrete 107.45 Carver Hardware, supplies 91.71 Reis Equipment, mask respirator 24.27 Carver Hardware, N.CDWplaygrd. 18.85 Hawkeye Sand and Gravel, N.CDRypea gravel 1,003.40 Sartorl Hospital, asbestos physical 14.00 Notice ol Probate of Will, of Appointment of Executor and Notice to Creditors In the Iowa District Court for Black Hawk County In the Estate of Mildred T. Lukes, Deceased Probate No.

46958 To all Persons Interested In the Estete of Mildred T. Lukes, Deceased, who died on or about the 11th day of January, 1992: You ars nereby not Hied that on the 15th day of January, 1992, the Last Will and Testament of Mildred T. Lukes, deceased, bearing date of the 17th day of December, 1991, wee admitted to probate In the above named Court and that Kathleen M. Braun was appointed Executor of the estate. Any action to set aside said Will must bs brought in the District Court of said County within the later to oocur ol four months form the date ol the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to the surviving spouse, ell heirs of the decedent and devltwes under the Will whose Identities are reasonably ascer- NCA Evaluators, O.Shy mileage 68.82 NCA Evaluators, Stephensemileage 34.56 NCA Evaluators, R.

Wahlmlleage 73.20 NCA Evaluators, D.WIdenmileage 63.23 Rod Winters, travel expenses 160.69 Norwest Bank Iowa, N.A. Petty Cash 57.01 Cedar Falls Post Office, bulk mailing 299.49 Miscellaneous, comlort Inn, lodging 132.30 IPERS, employers share 51,2523.98 John Bostwick, physical 5.00 Cecil Bullis, Physical 15.00 Wayne Horlon, physical 5.00 R. Tom Hubs, physical 6.00 Carole Joblinske, physical 5.00 Bob Kunkle, physical 15.00 Dianna Lawless, physical 5.00 Deena Leonard, physical 5.00 Robert Logan, physical 6.00 Thomas Logan, physical 5.00 Gary Luick, physical 5.00 Randy Miller, physical 15.00 Lenny Mommer, physical 6.00 Dean Monroe, physical 15.00 David Nissen, physical 5.00 Albert T. Osborn, physical 5.00 Bill Paylon, physical 15.00 Dave Rappaport, physical 15.00 Judy Roethler, physical 5.00 Mike Roethler, physical 5.00 jeanne Sammons, physical 15.00 Steve Sanford, physical 6.00 Dick Sealher, physical 1 5.00 Tammy Stover, physical 5.00 Christie Twaltss, physical 6.00 Tim Young, physical 6.00 Black Hawk Co, Recorder, court documents 2.00 Cedar Falls Post Oil ice, stamps 25.00 Postage by Phone System, postage refill 2,000.00 Advantureland Inn, lodging 45.00 AT 1 telephone 80.48 Randy Miller, travel 22.89 Marilyn Shaw, Iravel 13.16 US Wesl Communications, Nov. telephone 2,875.31 Miscellaneous, wloo clubmeals 181.98 Principal Mutual Life Ins.

Insemployers share 80,141.67 Principal Mutual Life. Ins. flex Norwest Bank Iowa, N.A., employers share 82.742.99 Holmes Jr. High School, petty cash 15.00 IASBO, registration, dues 60.00 la Dept of Nat Resources, tag fees 130.00 Fauser Oil gasoline 4.948.60 Norwest Bank Iowa N.A., flca'medl-care 28.65 Addison-Wesley Publishing, books 32.75 Advanced business Computers, laser et III 1,985.00 Advanced Systems, maintenance agreement, equipment 1,977.49 Advanced Systems, maintenance 458.18 AEA 6, equipment, computer carts 5,927.12 Alkey Salvage engine 100.00 Am. Vocational Assn.

supplies 53.41 Sam Annls i 63 5.40 Aqualsol Controllers, Inc. repairs 30.50 Aratex Services Ino, uniforms ,20 196.68 Area Edue, Agency 7, phase payment, data processing, repairs, equipment, software, tuition 13,723.85 Area Educ. Agency 7, supplies, repairs 129.72 ASCD, books 96.15 AT 7 Information Systems, malnt. agreement 414.80 Automotive Electric, 16, books 147.76 Baker Taylor, books 533.39 Barnes Builders, supplies, repair parts 340.12 Bearing Service CI. supplies, repairs 101 .50 Beckley-Cardy Company, supplies 117.44 Big Stores, supplels, sander, repairs 108.29 Dick Blick, supplies 218.10 Clair E.

Books, travel expense 9.35 Carney, Alexander, Marold audit 6,200.00 Carver Hardware, supplies, repairs 187.80 Carver Hardware, supplies, repairs 160.31 Carver Hardware, supplies, repairs 50.28 Cedar Falls Schools, conference expense 476.08 Cedar Falls Utilities, 2' badger model 120 100.51 Central Scientific Company, supplies 326.05 Children's Hospital, manual 5.00 Cohn supplies, repair parts 1.92 Congressional Quarterly subscription 292.00 County Market, groceries 7.30 Henri Courtnage, supplies 10.00 Creative Publications, supplies 95.66 Cdr.lnnovatlon In Educ, books 241.23 Custom Pools-Spas, supplies 33 90 Auto Pars, 49 372.44 Dalton Plumbing Heating, repairs 9.95 DeeFs, groceries 40.66 Wayne Dennis Supply repair parts 303.92 Dialog Info. Services, online searching 430.13 Diamond Vogel Paint Ctr, supplies, repairs 63.43 Diatek Incorporated, probe covers 180.27 Doors, repairs 115.20 Dennis Downs, supplies 37.53 Ebsco Subscription Service, subscription 16,69 ECS, 13" Panasonic 263.20 Educational Resources, software 32.95 Eilers Violin Shop, repairs 228.90 Weekly Reader, textbooks 276.00 Education Division, video 34.95 First Image Management, michrofiche services 15.12 Fleagle Foods, groceries 26.83 Flinn Scientific supplies 25.46 Foilett Software barcode scanner 252.02 France today Magazine, subscription 25.00 Goodyear Tire Rubber 69 91.70 Grosse Steel repairs 94.00 Hancock Fabrics, supplies 52.56 Don R. Havens repairs 194.50 Heartlnad Paper supplies 170.60 Hkjby supplies, repairs 67.48 Hhsmlth supplies Hokkins Systematln, ram chips 40.00 Home Vision, videos 71 .35 Hy Vee Food Store, groceries 252.22 IASB, registrations 721.00 IBM, main), agreement 50.50 Institute for Educ. Leadership, registration 135.00 la Business Machines, fax paper 65.95 la Educ. Directory, directories 12.00 la Radio 8 50.00 James Motor Parts, supplies 9.03 Jamestown PubL, supplies 81.20 Jesana, supplies 59.00 Jawelfs Body Shop, 19 45.00 Johnson Controls, Ino.

thermom repair parts 928.18 Jostens, plaques 155.34 Mart 4158, supplies 44.34 KBBQ tmafro A mar. Broadcast, calenders 99.57 Kephart's Music Center, music, repairs 1,060.80 Kles Electric, repairs, supplies 123.48 Kkby repairs 454.33 Klemp Supply Company, supplies 31.21 Library Video Service, videos, 130.94 Llndgren Glass repairs 243.00 Helen Logan, wellness rebate 13.00 Maleckl Music, muse, supplies 356.70 Martin Brothers, squeege blade 12.80 Mashek Sewing Center, serger repair 29.95 Mid-State Reprod. i Supply, repair Earls 180.45 lidwest Business Products, supplies 734.97 Modern Sound Pictures, rental films 67.00 Modern Talking Picture Service, educational program 29.95 MPCS Video microphone repair 69.42 Mumm'e Golden Rule Lumber lumber, batterlee 82.92 Napa Auto Parts, supplies, 4, 15, 87 356.74 NASCO, supplies 56.58 Natl Geographic Society, bookvideomap, fllmstrlp kits 206.20 Natl. Reeding Style Institute, book 22.00 NCAlowa Stae Committee, NCA expense 25.00 Newkirk Sales Company, cylinder rental, supplies 79.81 Nielsen Pest Control, pest control 18.00 tainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is hereby given that aH persons indebted to the estate ars requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned, and credltore having claims against the estate shall file them with the Clerk of the above named District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so liled by the later to oocur ol lour months from the second publication of this notice or one month Irom the dale of mailing ol this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim Is thereafter forever barred.

Dated this 16th day of January, 1992 Kathleen M. Braun Executor ol Estate 165 Woodlawn Rd. Waterloo, Iowa 50701 Dutton Braun Staack Hellman Attorney lor the Executor 3151 Biockway Road, PO Box 810 Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Date ol second publication 29th day ol January, 1992 Statutory reference: 633.304 Code ol Iowa, 1989, as amended by 73rd G.A., 1989 Regular Session (Senate File 275) Notice of Probate of Will, of Appointment of Executor and Notioe to Creditors In the Iowa District Court for Black Hawk County In the Estate ot Herbert E. Yarrlng-ton, Deceased Probate No. 46963 To all persons interested In the Estate ol Herbert E.

Yarrlngton, Deceased, who died on or about the 9th day ol January, 1992: You are hereby notllbd that on the 16lh day of January, 1992, the Last Will and Testament of Herbert E. Yarrington, deceased, bearing date of the 5th day of June, 1989, was admitted to probate In the above named Court and that Ronald A. Yarringlon was appointed Executor ot the estale. Any action to set aside said Will must be brought In the Distrlot Court ol said County within the later to occur ol four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date ot mailing of this notice to the surviving spouse, all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be lorever barred. Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the Clerk ot the above named District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of thie notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred.

Dated this 16th day of January, 1992. Ronald A. Yarrlngton Executor ol Estate RFD 14109 Kimball Ave. Bucklngton, Iowa 50612 Ball, Kirk, Holm Nardinl Attorney for the Executor 3324 Kimball PO Box 2696 Waterloo, Iowa 50704-2696 Date of second publication 29th day ol January, 1992 Statutory relerence: 633.304 Code ol Iowa, 1989, as amended by 73rd G.A, 1989 Regular Session (Senate File 275) Notice ot Probata ot Will, ol appointment of Executor and Notice to Creditors In the Iowa District Court tor Black Hawk County In the Estate ot Verona C. Schmidt, Deceased Probate No.

46960 To all persons Interested In the Estate of Verona C. Schmidt, Deceased, who died on or about the 10th day ot January, 1992: You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of January, 1992, the Last Will and Testament ol Verona C. Schmidt, deceased, bearing date of the 5th day of April, 1985 was admitted to probate In the above named Court and that JoAnn C. Kramer was appointed Executor of the estate. Any action to set aside said Will must be brought in the District Court of said County within the later to occur ol lour months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notioe to the surviving spouse, all heirs ot the decedent and devisees under the Will whose Identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereatter be lorever barred.

Notice is hereby given that all persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the Clerk of the above named District Court, es provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of lour months Irom the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim Is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 16th day of January, 1992. Joann C.Kramer Executor of Estale 6315 Sage Road Waterloo, Iowa 50703 Martin, Nutting, Miller, Keith, Peder-sen AKeben Attorney for the Executor 501 Sycamore Street, Suite 710 P.O. Box 21 58 Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Date of Second Publication 29th day of January, 1992 Statutory relerenoe: 633.304 Code ol Iowa, 1989, as smended by 73rd G.A., 1989 Regular Session (Senate File 275) Notice of Probate of Will, ot Appointment of Executor and Notice to Creditors In the Iowa District Court for Black Hawk County In the Estate of Raymond G. Vogt, Deceased Probate No.

46931 To all persons interested In the Estate of Raymond G. Vogt, Deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of December, 1991: You are hereby notified that on the 6th day ol January, 1992, the Last Will and Testament ol Raymond Vogt, deceased, bearing date of the 31 st day of July, admitted to probate In the ebove named Court and that Vincent J. Zeets was appointed Executor of the estate, any action to set aside said Will must be brought In the District Court of said County within the later to occur of tour months from the date ot the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to the surviving spouse, all heirs ol the decedent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice Is hereby given that all persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the eststs shsll file them with the Clerk ol the above named District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, tor allowance, end unless so tiled by the later to oocur ot tour months from the eecond publication ot this notice or one month Irom the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim Is thereefter forever barred. Dated this 6th day ol January, 1992.

Vincent J. Zeets Executor ol Estate 1166 Cornwall Avenue Waterloo, Iowa 50702 Llndeman a Yagia Attorney lor the Executor 500 first National Bldg, PO Box 960 Waterloo, Iowa, 50704 Date ol second publication 22nd day ot January, 1992. Agriculture 8700-5780 Merchandise Employment Ltvi.rkiU 7000-7800 Transportation 8000-8890 Legale a 950 BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT.

SAVER RATES MERCHANDISE VALUED IN AD $1,001 to $3,000 6DAYS10 CASH HATES line over 3. Priced For Sale Items 4 4 i ttBff i 1 950 Legal Nolle 30th day ol June, 1986, was admitted to probate In the above named Court and there will be no present administration of the estate. Any action to set aside said Will must be brought in the District Court of the County within the' later to occur ol four month from the dale ol Ihe second publication ol this notice or one monlh Irom Ihe date ol mailing; 0 this notice to Ihe surviving spouse, all hairs ol the dece-denl and devisees under the. Will whose Identities are rea-, sonably ascertainable, or there-. alter be forever barred.

Dated this Slh day of January, 1992" JoanM. Glazit Clerk of the District Court Frederick Q. White Altorney(s) for sakl Estale 501 Sycamore, PO Box 2575 Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Date of second publication 22nd day of January, 1992 Statutory relerence: 633.305 Code 01 Iowa, 1989, as amended by 73rd G.A., 1989 Regular Ses- lion (Senate File 275) Notice ol Appointment of Admlnl trator and Notioe to Creditor In th Iowa Distrlot Court lor Black Hawk County In Ihe Estale of Lavern Raymond Parker, Deceased Probate No. 46930 To ell persons Interested In th Eslate of Lavern Reymond Parker, Deceased, who died on or about the 15th day ol December, 1991: You are hereby notilied that on th 6th day of January, 1992, th undersigned was appointed Administrator ot Ihe Estate. Notice Is hereby given that aH Indebted to the estete er requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned, nd creditor having claims against the estate shall til them with the Clerk of th abov namd District Court, a provided by law, duly authenticated, tor allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four month Irom th dal ot th second publication of this notioe or on monlh from Ihe dale ol mailing of this nonce (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim Is thereafter lorever barred.

Dated this 6th day of January, 1992 Lavern Paul Parker Admlnisirator ol the Eslate S30CloverdaleAv. Waterloo, Iowa 50703 BaU, Kirk, Hokn Nardmi Aflorneyle) lor th admtnislrator 3324 Kimball PO Box 2696 Waterloo, Iowa SO704 Dal ol second publication 22nd dayot January, 1992 Statutory reference: 633 20 Cod ol Iowa, 1989, as amended by 73rd 1989 Regular Ses-n (Senate File 275) CLASSIFIED ADS Cartirw) Sfl Neat Pee 6000-6950 Iowa Toll FREE Number 1-800-798-1741 Fax Number 319-234-6405 Mailing Address WaterlooCedar Falls Courier P. O. Box 540, Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Payments Only: P. O.

Box 1766 in the Journal of the American Medical Associa- 950 Legal Nolle dent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or there after be forever barred. Dated this 8th day of January, 1992 Joan M. Gia2a Clerk of the District Court Zellhoefer Law Firm Atlorney(s) lor said Eslate 501 Sycamore, PO Box 477 Waterloo, Iowa B0704 Date ol second publication 22nd day of January, 1992 Statutory relerence: 633.305 Code of Iowa, 1989, as amended by 73rd G.A., 1939 Regular Session (Senate File 275) Notice of Probate of Will, ol Appointment ol Executor and Notice to Credltore In the Iowa District Court lor Black Hawk County In the Estate of Elizabeth H. Maiden, Deceased Probate No. 46929 To all persons Interested in the Estate ol Elizabeth H.

Maiden, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day ot December, 1991: You are hereby notified that on the 3rd day of January, 1992, the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth H. Maiden, deceased, bearing dale ol the 22nd day ol July, 1972, was admitted to probate In the above named Court and that Waterloo Savings Bank, Waterloo, Iowa was appointed Executor of th estate. Any action to set aside eaid Will must be brought In the District Court of said County within the later to oocur ot four months from the date ol the second publication ol thie notice or one month Irom the date of mailing ot this notice to the surviving spouse, all heirs of the decedent end deviseee under the Will whose Identities re reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be lorever barred. Notioe is hereby given that aH persons Indebted to the estete ere requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against Ihe estate shall file them with the Clerk ol the above named District Court, as provided by lew, duly authenticated, lor allowance, and unless so filed by the later to oocur of four months Irom the second publication of this notice or one month from the dale of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim Is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 3rd day ot January, 1992 Waterloo Savings Bank Executor of Estate W.

Park Cedar Streets, po Boxsa Waterloo, low $0704 MeMn H. Wotl Attorney lor the Executor 500 First National Bkfg. Waterloo, lowe 50704 Dale ot second publication 22nd day of January, 1992 Statutory relerence: 633.304 Cod ot Iowa, 1989, es amended by 73.0 1998 Regular Session (Ssnsief 27ij 950 Legal Notlc Notice of Probate ol Will, ol appointment of Executor and Notice to Creditors In the Iowa District Court for Black Hawk County In the Estate of Luman Theodore Lee, Deceased Probate No. 46934 To all persons Interested In the Eslate ol Luman Theodore Lee, Deceased, who died on or about the 25th day of November, 1991: You are hereby notified that on the Slh day of January, 1992, the Last Will and Testament ol Luman Theodore Lee, deceased, bearing the date ol Ihe 20th day ol February, 1974, was admitted to probate In the above named Court and that Dale Wesley Lee was appointed Executor ol the estate. Any action to set aside said Will must be brought In the District Court of said County within the later to occur of four months from the dale of the eecond publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing ol this notice to the surviving spouse, all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the Will whose Identities are reasonably ascertainable, or there-alter be forever barred.

Notice Is hereby given that aH persons indebted to the estate ere requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall tile them with the Clerk ol the above named District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, lor allowance, and unless ao filed by the later to occur of four months Irom the second publication ol this notice or one month from the date of mailing ol this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a daim Is thereafter lorever barred. Dated this 8th day ol January, 1992 Dak) Wesley Lee Executor of Estate 2217 Grand Boulevard Waterloo, Iowa 50701 John r. Cronin Attorney for the Executor 105 Woodbndge Box 53 Nashua, Iowa 60658 Date ol second publication 22nd day of January, 1992 Statutory reference: 633.304 Code ol Iowa, 1989, as amended by 73rd 1989 Regular Session (Senate FHe 275) Notice ol Proof ot Will without Administration In the Iowa District Court for Black Hawk County In the Estale of Raymond Millard Paulson, Deceased Probale No. 46936 To all persons interested in the Estate of Raymond Millard Paulson, Deceased, who died on or about the 18th day ot December, 1991: You aie hereby nolilied that on th 8th day of January, 1992. th Last WiU and Testament ot Raymond Millard Paulson, deceased, bearing sate el Ihe tion.

One of the 20 died and another suffered permanent brain damage. The youngsters in the 1985-91 study ranged in age from 4 to 16. In every case, the truck had an exhaust pipe that vented fumes toward the back, or a leak that allowed fumes to escape backward, the researchers said. Keeping the door of the shell closed doesn't protect children, said the study's author, Dr. Neil B.

Hampson, a lung specialist at Seattle's Virginia Mason Medical Center. The researchers saw no carbon monoxide poisoning cases involving campers, self-contained units that sit on the back of trucks, or in pickups with intact exhaust systems venting to the side. Father seeks Tom Sawyer' ban St Louis Post-DisDatch Officials in an Illinois school district are studying a request by a parent that the book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" be removed from the sixth-grade curriculum. The parent, Dwaine Thomas, says the book's use of the word "nigger" is offensive, especially to blacks. He first filed his objection in October after his daughter brought home a reading list.

Thomas, who is black, distributed about six dozen leaflets this week urging other residents to join his effort to ban the book. He has suggested using a rewritten version of the book that leaves out some offensive language..

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.